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Chart Examples for Teachers
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Goal - Comply with Teacher's Directions
Goal - Comply with teacher's directions.
Receive a sticker or symbol on the chart if student complies with no more than 2 prompts (or however many prompts you want to set).
Provide a reward if desired. For example, after every 10 smileys, student can pick out of prize box, have a skittle, etc.
Use smileys, symbols, or whatever you choose to add to the chart.
I used this chart and goal for a student who needed to comply when I asked him to go to the calm down corner. It worked great. I tried it for a different student the next year, and it didn't work. But, the chart worked with a simpler goal (Quiet Voice). And if he wouldn't comply, we would practice the desired behavior.
Pick a goal that the student needs to work on, but also which you feel he/she can have success. Praise goes a long way with some of the kiddos.
Just because a goal isn't on here, doesn't mean the student doesn't have to meet other expectations. For example, the child might be earning his/her smileys, but still having difficulty with staying seated on the carpet or having a quiet voice.
Let the child know the expectation, and that you are happy to practice with them if they forget the expectation (during their time).
Add your own labels.
Chart Style 1
Goal - Hands to Self
Goal - Hands to Self during the day's schedule
Receive a sticker or symbol on the chart if student keeps hands to self and doesn't hit.
Provide a reward if desired. For example, after every 10 smileys, student can pick out of prize box, have a skittle, etc.
Use smileys, symbols, or whatever you choose to add to the chart.
You can also have the student practice the desired behavior if they don't meet the goal. You could have the student watch a video or read aloud about hitting or just sit and think about the desired behavior.
Chart Style 1
Kids love to look at the chart designs and pick their own.
Goal - Quiet Voice
Goal - Quiet Voice
Receive a sticker or symbol on the chart if student has quiet voice (talking and noises) with no more than 3 prompts (or however many prompts you want to set).
Provide a reward if desired. For example, after every 10 smileys, student can pick out of prize box, have a skittle, etc.
Use smileys, symbols, or whatever you choose to add to the chart.
You can also have the student practice the desired behavior if they don't meet the goal.
Chart Style 1
Black & White Customizable Chart
Add your own labels.
For example, subjects in the left column and goals along the top
Highlight the smiley
Notes area to add information such as incentives or parent signature, etc.
Black & White Chart
For some kids the praise and sticker/symbol on the chart will be enough to help motivate and reinforce the desired behavior.
Others may need incentives.
Collin has difficulty blurting out, so if he has less than 3 redirects during reading, he gets a sticker. Same thing for math, social studies, and science.
Goal - Control Your Voice from Interrupting
Chart Style 3
Goal - Control Your Body
Goal - Control your body. No talking or noises.
The child receives a sticker or smiley if less than 3 redirects from the teacher.
If you wish, you can provide an incentive after a specified number of stickers throughout the week.
Chart Style 3
Tally Chart
The charts can also be used to tally and document behavior.
The charts can also be used for a class incentive.
Chart Style 1